Terms & conditions

This contract is entered into by Chelesea Reid (makeup artist) and the client (the name affixed below). Please note that if the client does not agree to these terms on conditions, a reservation will not be made. The client must also be 18 or older to enter into this contract. A parent or guardian may sign for the client if they are a minor.

To secure a date or reservation, a signed contract or acceptance of terms and conditions and a down payment of 50% of agreed price at the time of signing is required. This down payment is non- refundable unless there is a cancellation, and no services were offered. However, this must be done within the span of 72 hours after signing.

This contract will be based off the approved date and time agreed upon by the makeup artist and client that will be inserted below. Any additional makeup needs outside of this contract will be performed at the discretion of the makeup artist. All persons scheduled for makeup appointments needs to ready and available for the agreed upon time. If a client over an hour late, it is possible for the contract to be broken. If a reservation is made on short notice, along with the signature of this contract, 50% of the agreed upon price must be paid before the application of makeup and the remaining 50% afterward.

An extra JMD$200 will be charged every fifteen minutes of delay when a client is late for the scheduled time. This fine will also be added on every fifteen minutes if the application of makeup exceeds the allotted time as a result of the client’s delay.

If a scheduling conflict arises, the client has the choice to reschedule. If the client chooses to cancel their reservation, they will be refunded their previous down payment, even if the 72-hour refund timeline has passed.

All deposits or down payment made by the client will be refunded if the reservation is cancelled within 72 hours after the contract was signed. If the client cancels after the stated 72-hour grace period, the deposit will not be refunded. If the makeup artist is unable to perform her duties or cancels the scheduled appointment, the client will be refunded their deposit within the span of 72 hours.

A mileage fee will be charged for locations outside of 15-mile radius from the makeup artist’s dwelling. The starting fee for travelling is JMD$1500 but is subject to change based on the distance stated by the client. This amount will be discussed and determined at the time of inquiry.

The final balance will be stated orally to the client and published in the form of an electronic invoice. Additional services received by the client from the makeup artist will also be added to the invoice and reflected in the final balance. The invoice will also make note of and include the travel fee as well as late fines (if there are any) in the final balance. The makeup artist accepts payment in the form of cash and bank deposits. Along with an electronic invoice, the makeup artist will also provide the client with a physical receipt as proof of payment. ALL FUNDS MUST BE PAYED WITHIN 48 HOURS OF RECEIVING SERVICE. NO EXCEPTIONS.
All makeup products used are certified vegan and cruelty free. Anti- bacterial and hypoallergenic soaps are used to clean ALL makeup brushes to ensure the safety and health of the client. All allergies and skin conditions should be disclosed to the makeup artist prior to makeup application so patch tests can be done. By signing this contract and agreeing to its terms and conditions you are releasing the makeup artist, namely, Chelesea Reid from any liability for any skin complications that occur due to allergic reactions.

The makeup artist (Chelesea Reid) may use a photograph, video or any other form media of the client on social media websites, as well as brochures, flyers or posters to market or advertise her brand. By signing this contract and agreeing to its terms and conditions, the client releases all claims regarding the use of his/her image for such purposes.